Apprendre le velo trial sur TrashZen: toutes les techniques de VTT trial expliquees en photo et en videos.
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Be afraid... be very afraid
John took on mod trials as an alternative to his BMX bad habits. Changing from the Da Bomb trials bike of his debuts to the Onza T-pro he rides now was like starting trials all over again.

When not designing monsters, digital warfare, or animating video game graphics, John experiments with his bike, chipping away all sorts of materials with his bash plate, or peeling off his own skin on tarmac and urban furniture. He promised me some decent crash videos, so watch that space.

trials riding tutorials
Warming up at the yellow skatepark...
when this is not infested with BMXers

Since we are both based in Cambridge, we can talk endlessly about our biking exploits, down any odd local pub... Cool.

Street Cred Essentials...
(tips compilation from Uncle John a.k.a PooPipe)

Rusty brown bike
Buy a BMX
Don't use your brakes
Dont' use your brain

pedal kicks in manuals
using tar
using your brakes
wearing gloves

trials riding tutorials
...night ride motion effects.

trials riding tutorials
This front wheel gets a bit wobbly.

trials riding tutorials
BMX style blunt on a rail...

trials riding tutorials
That's how you get on a rail...

trials riding tutorials
Just about landing right...warming up

trials riding tutorials
grinding the local skate park... I am in the way.

trials riding tutorials
...some dodgy bar-spin in pink attire.

trials riding tutorials least, some odd natural riding once in a while.

trials riding tutorials
Seriously, that's no fun being a star.

trials riding tutorials
...exploring new riding techniques...Jackie Chan style

trials riding tutorials
'cause you could probably sweep through... and catch the bike later

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serious connection