Tune your horizontal momentum
Andrei Burton aims his rear wheel at the railing for a firm stop.
Fully stretched for better reach with the rear wheel.
This technique will come as a natural variation of your pedal hop practise down small kerbs. Remember that when performing a gap drop, you don't need to kick the pedal with as much energy as you would to cross a horizontal gap.The drop gap
1° Balancing on the rear wheel, use a few hops to adjust your rear tyre right onto the edge of the obstacle.
2° Brakes fully locked, lower your front wheel to the horizontal while crouching on the bike.
3° Pull on the bars and spring into extension. Unlock the rear brake and tune your pedal kick to the gap distance and height.
4° Pull the bike up in front of you so you can aim your rear wheel at your target landing spot and cover extra distance.
5° Control the rear wheel position beneath you by pulling on the handlebars, stretch your legs to place the rear wheel with precision.
6° Upon landing, lock the rear wheel to secure your position and crouch progressively to end up with your bum over the rear hub.