The Toxsin / Monty front end combo
The Zero from Orange, with a Monty Front End
Zero 2001 vintage, cracked near the BB.
Beast of the East/Cannondale used to be
my favourite after the killerV.
The KillerV 800/Cannondale. The frame
snapped on one of the slope tubes behind the seat
The KillerV 500 previous orange version,
the frame snapped just behind the seat (nov 1997)
and the Dawes Synthesis.
The KillerV 800 guarantee replacement,
and the Dawes synthesis replacement (guarantee too).
Touring Category
Road Warrior, my current bike
Beast of East MTB replacement
Bars failure and stitches,
down St Martin's Lane W1, with second-hand
Dawes Synthesis frame.
Dawes Synthesis, with customised emergency handlebars.
Dec-96, Paimpol-to-London on a restored Dawes
Galaxy, via the BritannyFerry at St Malo
The frame broke down (Feb 1997) in the
middle of Picadilly Circus' traffic, on a delivery run
A Peugeot Black Rock: died after 5 years
of intensive use (1990/95)
Folded Brompton bike
Semi-folded, for a quick stop
Wooden Design...
I like customised bikes, and other bits of funny shaped metal
Oak, Mahogany, pine, aluminium, all pieces hand made.
The moving parts (crank, wheels, direction)
were taken from scrap bicycles