Trials riding tutorials to learn bike trials and improve your mtb riding skills.
downhill mountain bikingfrom any height
Now we're talking real control and hardcore physics. Dropping off: jumping from some height in a controlled manner. Well, thanks to gravity it 's quite easy to go down; not always as planned though. But you should get used to jump off the bike when things go wrong, to crash "safely".

In order to avoid pinching flat on rocks or on sharp edges found in most biketrial zones, learn to land smooth by damping the impact very progressively rather than banging the bike flat on the ground. In all techniques, unless you know what you are doing, always pull the rear brake to a full stop upon landing. That will prevent you from a harsh landing on your back (extreme wheelie slammer).

trials riding tutorials

9 techniques to get closer to earth
slash Raw street style: jumping at full speed (bunny hop).
slash Forward with a pedal kick or brake release (pure trials).
slash wheelie off a wall, with one pedal turn or in manual.
slash Sideways with the back wheel first (stylish and precise).
slash Both wheels at once sideways (if the bike is on some edges).
slash Riding down smoothly, if the step is not too high for your crank.
slash Pivoting 270° with a 90° front wheel endo.
slash 270° freestyle turn: backhop flip on the rear wheel.
slash Absorb the impact progressively on the bike. Check out the lecture

Well, jumping off high is one of these transitions that remains potentially health damaging, flesh and bones being first in the wrecked crew. Simply bear in mind that people die when jumping from too high. Gravity is painfully generous in that sense, and a bike in the way just adds to the cruelty of a bad reception, regardless of the protections you can wear. We would still advise to wear a helmet and some good knee/shin pads.

Now, a few wisdom guidelines:
slashWhat you feel about a move is very important. Don't get pressurised to do things you are not confident about. If you don't feel like you are in shape or in the mood to go crazy on your bike, just don't!!! 'cos that 's when you'll hurt yourself big time.
slash Make sure your bike is in perfect order, and that you can trust it. Watch out particularly for the brakes, and the chainset which is under quite some stress.
A chain that breaks when you just kick on the pedals, can make things go horribly wrong (it is very likely to send you over the bars i.e OTB facial reception).
slash When learning, always start small before you build the height. As a general fact, all the techniques described in that Website can be practiced on a 6 inches kerb, along your home street, until you are confident enough to try from higher.
slashThe harder the ground, the harder the reception, 9 feet to land on concrete is a risky business, whereas landing on a sandy beach or on thick turf is much more forgiving.
slashOther than that, if the bike is reliable, and you feel great, then: Just trash your bike around and stay zen. Read our Disclaimer...

trials riding tutorials
Well, yeah...
Thanks for the warning
You should have seen that cliff!

More hints and safety guidelines
In the air, stabilise the bike aligned with your body, otherwise, you're likely to be ejected sideways, on impact with the ground. Leave the back wheel hit the ground first, with the rear brake on to gain extra damping with the "bottom bracket-to-rear-hub" lever. We 're talking hardcore physics here!
Check out the lecture on smooth landing.

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Your Complete Guide to Trials Riding