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About Sponge
Sponge is based in Surrey, and often seen at some of the London rides along side Joe Hodges. He is a new convert to unitrial, but knows well how to decompose and explain the balance techniques involved in unicycling, as well as a ton of details.

Sponge and Joe Hodges unicyclists

For all the beginners out there, he took the time to demonstrate the very basic techniques in the TrashZen tutorials, never short of explanations, and movement exageration to highlight his body coordination with the moves. So thanks to him, you'll be able to step on your first unicycle, and maybe try out some of his demos. You'll see him in the unicycle section, as the tutorials develop. He is Left foot forward, grabbing the seat with his right hand. Check out the small video of Sponge and Joe Hodges in London.

trials riding tutorials
going up some step for a demo

trials riding tutorials
Flying down, with a arm swing

trials riding video
Pedal-grab up a kerb.

trials riding video
Body gymnastics to turn around.

unitrials video
Leaning forwards before a gap.