le site en Français the site in English TrashZen T-shirts

TrashZen started in Belgium
(frustration over a broken wrist in 1998)
Initially, it was pretty much a personal web page... They were quite some photos from Brussels were I lived at the time. Then I moved to Barcelona (too much rain in Belgium I suppose, although Pepito tends to deny this observation).

trials riding tutorials
...riding in the rubber zone at Premia de Dalt...

Webmaster Disaster (playing with gaps)

TrashZen expanded with more riders demonstrating the moves, making the site a bit more interesting.

After 2.5 years of fantastic trials riding, I moved again to...hemm...sunny Cambridge. Apparently, there isn't just ultra-clean and tidy British lawn.
Probably some urban riding in the horizon.
I currently ride with an exotic trials frame, the Toxsin

trials riding tutorials
...finding balance on some edgy urban sculpture...

trials riding tutorials
...a classic 360 drop off...

One of my favourite moves, beam transitions on the back wheel, on street furniture for the glam... On the right, the jetty of Barcelona's olympic harbour is one of the best zones for both indoor and rocks.

trials riding tutorials

When I get an idea on how to explain a move or someone shows me a new technique, I try to share the info. Not always easy to get some good pictures though. See more pics...

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials


trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials