The Trials Show - by Ramiro and Juan

The Trials Master
Ramiro worked at Monty for a while, and he still gets to see all the prototypes and new bikes before they come out. But he won't tell anything... Together with Juan, he has set up a Trial Show demo team to ride at corporate events and promote the sport. He also teaches trials at the Cesar Cañas Trials School

trials riding tutorials
Section de gap.

trials riding tutorials
Démo de saut latéral.

trials riding tutorials
Guiding new riders through the tracks.

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials

trials riding tutorials
Gap jump over some deep Quake-like water hole...

He is really smooth when climbing...quite sickening...One day maybe I'll do that kind of stuff, without killing myself. He always find some zones with unpleasant sharp edges or rocks on the way. Basically, you have to practice the tracks you don't like in order to improve. There is a lot of natural trials to ride for him, either by the sea side, or in the rocky surroundings of Barcelona.

Ramiro was spanish Champion in the expert category in 2002.

trials riding tutorials
...nice drop off, playing with the shades...

trials riding tutorials
...some old school style...


trials riding tutorials


trials riding tutorials
...with his brand new monty by the sea side...

More pics of the beast.
trials riding tutorials the 2004 world championships in Andorra...

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